Meet John Jouett, Jr. known as “Captain Jack”, sometimes called “The Paul Revere of the South”. He rode forty miles through the back roads of Virginia to warn Thomas Jefferson and the Virginia Assembly that the British were on their way to capture them.
The William Harris Family feels honored to be able to call “Jack” our cousin. William’s wife was Harriet Amanda Davenport her great grandmother was Frances Jouett Davenport a sister to John Jouett, Sr., Jack’s father, making anyone descended from Harriet Jack’s cousin.
The William Harris Family feels honored to be able to call “Jack” our cousin. William’s wife was Harriet Amanda Davenport her great grandmother was Frances Jouett Davenport a sister to John Jouett, Sr., Jack’s father, making anyone descended from Harriet Jack’s cousin.
The William Harris Homestead Foundation is a charitable 501(c)3 organization whose mission is to provide heritage, agricultural and environmental scholarship.